
3D Scan & Rapid Prototyping

The workshop has been developped with 2 technologies as the 3D scan for the capture and 3D printer for the production.
These 2 technologies give us the opportunity to think the same time the reproduction and the production. In this Digital Continuum, we have the possibility to experiment in the same way the real and the virtual by their actualization.
The technology is an Adaptative Filter to go through the Real to the Virtual and through the Virtual to the Real.

>Kaoru Urata [journalist & Design Critic] & Fabrice Santoro [Director of W3D]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CAPTURE : FROM rEAL TO vIRTUAL

>3D Scan Konica-Minolta / VI-910>Partner : 3D Solutions / Director : Joël Rivault
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Capture of the Designer Masayo AVE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Resolution on 3D Software

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PRINTING : from vIRTUAL to rEAL

ZPrinter 310 from ZCorp > Partner : W3D / Director : Fabrice Santoro
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Process : from 3D modeler to Printer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 hours after / Objects




Wednesday 19 2005 / Thursday 20 2005
from 9 am to 5 pm

Related to the Exhibition I Live Tomorrow, a workhop is organized by W3D (Fabrice Santoro), Philippe Moreau & Nicola Borg-Pisani.
Masayo Ave (Designer), HeHE (designers), [daz[ (architecture & design), students from ENSCI National School of Design) and students from EAPVS (School of Architecture) are involved in the workshop.

Production will be realized on Printer Z310.

Address :
I Live Tomorrow
Espace Landowski
28 avenue Morizet
92 Boulogne-Billancourt

Contact :





Design Art Architecture

22 09 005 _ 29 10 005


Norbert Brunner Alles Wird Gut (AWG) Masayo Ave Iris Staudecker Cor Unum Ultralab Hehe David Gauquelin Markus Hafner Coelestine Engels Sabrina Raaf Yves Duranthon Roger Beebe Brian Doyle frank Tjepkema Monsieur Faltazi Dorothee Golz Irini Athanassakis Nicolas Moulin Simon d’Henin Map Office Audionaute Atau Tanaka Paracity Giulio Gianturco Mathieu Lehanneur FR66 Mark Newson Lars Spuyebroek Erik van Egeraat Ross Lovegrove NL Architects [daz[


I Live tomorrow is curated by Nicola Borg-Pisani
In collaboration with Philippe Moreau


Installation / scenography [daz[ Nicola Borg-Pisani & Anne Wolff
Assistants Jean Lelièvre & Anne Thiaville
Graphic Designer Vincent Vercoutre


Extrapôle Boulogne-Billancourt




Catalogue I Live Tomorrow coming soon as a Post-Production



_0.109 10 005 3PM : François Pachet / Sony Computer Science Lab

_0.216 10 005 3PM : Pierre-Yves Oudeyer / Artificial Intelligence

_0.323 10 005 3PM : Atau Tanaka / Lecture-Performance


Workshop :19 & 20 10 005 : Rapid Prototyping with W3D


TV== 29 09 005 : on Direct Huit at 11PM== 02 10 005 : on Direct Huit at 8AM



+33 1 55 18 54 49
Email : now@ilivetomorrow.com

[daz[ +33 1 46 06 11 74 / +33 6 06 08 43 86 54
Email : nbp@emu-daz.org


28 avenue Morizet

from 9AM to 7PM


Altuglas International
Ferrari Textile
Forbo sarlino
Blanchard Printing
Ile de france



I live Tomorrow proposes to show the reality of research and the contemporary productions in continuity with these various events through a program thought in a total environment.

Conceived like a fluid space, I live Tomorrow is thought like a projection in new realities: tomorrow is today.

We isolated several problems in order to articulate a whole of relations in the general contents of the exposure.

- Form (S): The form is a recurring question in the production of Design. I Live Tomorrow wishes to show this recurrence while identifying the new forms which emergent today.
- Use (S): The practices which were associated the thought and the functionalist production in the definition of the object or/and the space (ex: a seat to sit down) are redefined today in a new complexity: the use. Indeed, our industrial companies post or hyper industrial are confronted with obsolescence (ex: cellular phone with multifonctionnalities).
- New Technologies: The numerical tools radically changed the conceptual development and the production equipments. We passed from the object drawn to the object calculated with the vectorial software : the Parametric Design.
- Matter (S): The materials were always basically related to the object conferring different intrinsic values to them (ex: wood, polymers, plastics, etc). New materials appear and offer new formal and relational prospects (ex: self-healing technopolymères, the corian of quasi indestructible Dupont De Nemours, etc)
- Skin: The surface of the objects is according to cases' thought like an envelope, but for a few years the concept of skin has appeared as an emblematic interface related to the immediate relation between the object and its surface, the object and the individual to sometimes even become communicating surface. Let us recall that the context of diseases such as the AIDS reinforced these relations with the body.
- Space (S): Cartesian space and its functional organization marked the design of our domestic environments. Today under the influence of new technologies, we attend the emergence of the domestic territories and new domesticities.

Espace(s) Méta Domestique(s)
These spaces propose to the visitors an experimentation of the “domestic sphere” reinvented by architects and designers. These micro spaces, these intervals concern a futurology where all the functionalities which generally predetermine the creation of a space disappeared with the profit from the personal experiment.

New Domestic territories
Objects become environments and environments become objects will be proposed to the visitors. The whole of the proposals presented here will develop the question of the uses and that of our relation with the objects. The projects presented in this zone of the exposure are also the result of a reflexion on new fashions of production (rapid prototyping), on new materials (technopolymère), on new economies and energies.

Virtual Worlds & Digital Matter
The visitor is plunged here in the current research undertaken with new technologies. In this zone, will be presented "domestic animals" become Artificial Intelligence, parallel worlds carried out starting from our own environments and matérialisation of virtual productions become real virtualities.

Bureaux des « catastrophes »
Far from translating a pessimistic feeling, this last zone of the project will be devoted to the presentation of videographic, photographic documents and of the prototypes of projects and objects which were not followed of a production where which was a failure.



I Live Tomorrow

A global territory has been developped for the exhibition Project I Live Tomorrow by the studio of Architecture & Design [daz[.
More than 1000 m2 has been created as new domestic landscape in the existing space to interconnect all the invited projects.
This production follow the Generic Active_Surface that [daz[ produced.
(Soon online pictures of the projects).




WienParisBeijingDetroitinprogress is a workshop curated by Volker Dienst [ ArchitekturinProgress ] and Nicola Borg_Pisani.

This project has as an aim the installation of international meetings of students, architects and of designers brought together in a collective project.

This project thus fits in a prospective step which opens a reflexion on a whole of stakes which characterize the current changes:

- phenomenon of metropolisation
- public Spaces
- domestic Cells/temporary architecture
- (s) Object - New media
- Transdisciplinarity

It is an International project which has as an ambition to create a platform of exchanges between students, architects and designers, the schools, the institutions and the various partners.

These various entities and the problems posed in the context of the project impose a reflexion, a design and a realization whose matrix is deeply marked by its transdisciplinarity.

Indeed, the various components of the platform are characterized by the diversity of their practices, their teaching and of their structure but also by the definition of their stakes. Schools of Design, Schools of applied Art, Schools of Architecture and Architecture Departments of universities are linked together.

Architecture and design are, in the Paracity project, defined by a convergent and a Dynamic experiment in order to try out their intrinsic conditions and their common relations. "Paracity" makes it possible to conceive Metadomestics spaces and also place of dwelling, Event structures and communicating surfaces.
Paracity proposes to create temporary interfaces in urban environment. This experiment offers the advisability of thinking and of carrying out the project since the scale of the object to that of the domestic environment and public space at the city. We must in addition insist on the characteristics of Paracity which is not simply a conceptual project but also an experiment whose objective passes by its effective realization which imposes an economic and material reality on the whole of the projects.

This experimentation is largely developed by the use of the Digital tools and new technologies.

Experimenta #1: Vienne

The School of Architecture of Paris Val de Seine, ENSCI (National School of Design), Technische Üniversitat Wien (Alsop Institute), Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien (University of Applied arts) and Architektur in Progress conceived, realized and tried out in June 2005 on the site of Yppenplatz their proposals.

Yppenplatz is located just after the Gürtel near the station Josefstädter Strasse in theXVI district (Ottakring). It is the second place of Vienna, not in term of scale, but for its frequentation. Indeed, Yppenplatz is theTheater of the larger daily market of Vienna which extends all along Brunnengasse. The district of Ottakring is characterized by its cultural and social co-education where cohabit a Turkish community (most significant), Chinese, Serb, Croatian, ukrainian, Israelite, etc. Let us specify that for a few years, we have been able to note a Gentrification of the district of Ottakring.

It is within this framework that 4 movable Parabox, 1 Kitchen Lab, 3 shower_stage, a platform (a Bar + inflatable structure), a kugel-kino (inflatable movie screen) and a flying teppisch (Inflatable Sofa) have been realized.

These various devices work in a complementary way but can also generate independent actions.

The Parabox, the kitchen lab and the 3 shower_stage are mobile structures which were built in Paris within the ENSCI while the platform developed by Manfred Bertold, Peter Michael Schultes (TÜ WIEN) and their students was carried out in situ.

These achievements made it possible to the students to use wood composites, PMMA and polycarbonate, textiles prestressed, wood, steel, Alucobon, PVC but also to develop the electric diagrams, the installation of infra-red sensors and to try out inflatable structures.

The principal stake of Paracity is to test and "to live" in Public Place, also the projects led to Vienna are multi-purpose and "reversible". The Parabox are at the same time Playgrounds for the children, Lounges the evening and the Bedrooms with the night and also an Interactive Luminous course with the integrated sensors and fluorescents. The shower_stage are showers, dancing waters, but also Stages for videos projections and Theater Play. The kitchen Lab is a collective kitchen. The platform is a fixed structure for rest and meetings.

Throughout June, we programmed events with designers (Staudecker Iris), architects (Alles Wird Gut, Eisvögel, Feld 72, Querkraft, Map Office), Video (Denize Sozen, Markus Hafner, Coelestine Engels, etc), artists (Norbert Brunner). These proposals are specifics to the Viennese context, so new projects are today to conceive for Paris.

Post scriptum :

Participants :

- Teachers

Manfred Bertold, Peter Michael Schultes, Volker Dienst, Wolgang Winter, Nicola Borg-Pisani, François Daune, Claire Petetin, Philippe Grégoire.

- Students
Jean Lelièvre, Karen Crequer, Camille Alwan, Ariane Guingand, Daniella de Almeida, Enora Prioul, Maya Haidamous, renata Pinho, Cécile Métaireau, Nicolas Grosperrin, Rémi Carteron, Olivier Paradeise, David Tardy, Anais Vielfaure, Lena Hirche, Norman Kietzman, Sandrine Herbert, Ricky Arobas, david Proton, Aude Richard, Florian Waldmüller, Hektor Villareal Vargas, Elmir Smajic, Michael Sohm, Gerulf Weber, Roberto Banfi, Jasenka Dizdarevic, Magdalena Dona, Florian Duller, David Fleiss, Gerhard Girsch, Elif Kaya, Simon d’hénin, Ayse kog, Anna Obwegeser, Zvjezdana Rebernjak, Judith Sagl, Zuzana Vancova, Murat Yuekseltan, Mathias Zibuschka.

- Guests

Norbert Brunner, Iris Staudecker, Querkraft, Map Office, Alles Wird Gut, Feld 72, Eisvögel, Markus Hafner, Coelestine Engels, Deniz Sozen, Anna Mitterer, Caroline Heider, Stefan Kobastsch, Robert Gruber, Clemens Leuschner, Luis Princep Fabra.

EAPVS, ENSCI, Technische Üniversitat, Die Angewandte Kunst and for the next year with also The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tsinghua University.

Partners :
Ministère de la Culture (DAPA), Ministère des Affaires étrangères (AFAA), Altuglas International, Ferrari Textile, FunderMax, Beltex, 3M, Interlux, Manus, Laufen, Knauf, Tolartois.




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